The under-watery 2:17 - 2:46 <3<3<3
Love the sound. Very playful and rhythmically fun. Lots of little flourish-y elements. Reminds me of something that'd be in a a lighthearted JRGP moment (FF9<3) or something.
I've love to hear this performed live. :O
1:49-1:56 that little bit-crushed touch! <3
Into what appears to be a guiro or someone opening a bag of "sound-snacks" only to tug too hard and, trip over themselves and hit the crash <3.
Sidesticks <3.
If I had to ding something in this it might be the general sound of the strings. I can get over that though as it brings me back to the carefree days of playing JRPG's with wonderful OST's using midi instrumentations a lot of the time. So I'm a bit less sensitive to that I guess.
I'd love to hear you explore this style more. Although your last round entry was also *chefskiss*.