buhhh yer on NG? Dah fawk.
A geodasher/Ng user showed me you.
I <3 you.
I hope to do a remix of "Love You Less" at some point!
I dun have the stems lying around from your BC download.
Coming back to review this as I didn't get a chance to during judging and simply slapped it with a spicy 10.
Love the found-sound ambience. The subtlety to all the instruments used. The quality sound you got out of virtual orchestral instruments impressed me most. I've used EWQLOS in the past (mainly for my Farsky OST) -- it's very nice. I don't think I'd ever be able to work it like this though. I couldn't really find much to nitpick. It was mixed well and honestly has a very professional feeling. The emotive crescendo is quite nice. I don't know what it is, but it reminds me of something... Like back when I first ever played World of Warcraft as a night-elf rouge. Back in the first year WoW released. Ha!
It was magical/mythical feeling.
It had a certain nostalgic vibe for me. I could totally hear this used for a movie or game or something.
I'm generally not all that moved by orchestral stuff -- as I find a lot of it to be quite generic feeling/boring//etc. -- I have my exceptions though.
2:03-2:10's melody feels very familiar to me.
Thank you so much, Lapse. Working with those old samples requires a lot of mixing and automation. The nostalgia in that moment could be related to a few things: the trills in the upper woodwinds, the ascending thirds in the violins, the gong roll. All of the melodies seem familiar to me, but I'm not sure from where, which I suppose adds to the mythical sensation. I appreciate your thoughts.
Dig the lyrical message and the overall playful chipper-chiptune feel. Mood-wise...I wasn't quite ready for it at first (especially considering the tone of the tracks I've been judging) and was nearly ready to dismiss this, all truth up front.
Something about the playfulness of this track tells me you might like the musician "TV Room".
Reading the authors comments made me feel better as I was kinda in a shitty mood today for some personal reasons -- things get into the mind and swim around for too long and this drained the water a bit. :)
Dig the ending breakdown @ 1:18. <3
I'm a sucker for that main driving chunky DX10ish 16-bit Sega bassline
Damn man, this hits hard.
Dig the ticking clock feel @ 1:34. <3
They keys are beautiful.
Thank you, didn't think that it would sound like a ticking clock though! :D
Mutant from the primordial ooze, busking on the streets of the internet. I will be forgotten by time. A temporary fascination. Use me up. I am yours. Help me feel useful...
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