Nueva Forma has readied their 16th episode:
"Listening Pleasures Episode 16 has finally arrived. Curated by our very own Iameb-57, episode 16 promises to be a very energetic and glitchy party mix. And with summer just around the bend, we thought that it would be appropriate to really get the party started. So dial up that Meyer sound system, and blast your neighbors 'til kingdom come. The party starts now."
Have a listen to the latest sonic indulgence:
Download (@site):
Listening Pleasures 16
Features and unreleased on newgrounds track by myself called "Humor Me". The track features sound recordings from a drunken Christmas Party and uses samples of all my close friends.
Also, If you haven't, be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you can get it to your itunes monthly and catch up on the past episodes; they're are all wonderful experiences. I know you'll dig, you'll not be disappoint. Listen to them all here:
Itunes - Catch up on them LP's :)
Enjoy :)
i love you
I love you back.
...and more.