Mutant from the primordial ooze, busking on the streets of the internet. I will be forgotten by time. A temporary fascination. Use me up. I am yours. Help me feel useful...
I tried to download it from the website, but everytime I get halfway through downloading it times out. Do you have a mirror link with your songs on it?
There is no mirror, sadly. I have, however, informed the curators of the comp of the problem, as it hasn't just been yourself with this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed up soon!
I tried to download it from the website, but everytime I get halfway through downloading it times out. Do you have a mirror link with your songs on it?
There is no mirror, sadly. I have, however, informed the curators of the comp of the problem, as it hasn't just been yourself with this problem. Hopefully it will be fixed up soon!