Mutant from the primordial ooze, busking on the streets of the internet. I will be forgotten by time. A temporary fascination. Use me up. I am yours. Help me feel useful...
Time waster
KBC Void
Joined on 4/9/08
Viewtifulhero 2011-11-27 19:44:45
In the beginning there was darkness...
I'm so glad you added another track with vocals, the rest is fantastic as well! I hope you never quit! :D
LLAAPPSSEE 2011-11-27 19:44:45 (Updated 2011-12-01 17:59:52)
Thanks for checking it out.
I don't think I'll stop.
In the beginning there was darkness...
I'm so glad you added another track with vocals, the rest is fantastic as well! I hope you never quit! :D
Thanks for checking it out.
I don't think I'll stop.